Most important development:
One of our most important development was finishing our structural changes. That means in one year we had general assemblies in the 15 counties and we elected in each one a 5 member chairmanship. This was our first step on the structural changes, to implement the regional level in our YMCA work. This will be a big help in our work to reach the local YMCA groups.
We had our Leadership Training Course with 26 participants, It is a national YMCA project run by a team of staff and volunteers primarily based in Cluj-Napoca. The training event was in various locations throughout Transylvania (Praid, Sighisoara, Targu- Mures, Cluj- Napoca), aiming to train young people annually for service in youth work. The Leadership training course contained both elements of theoretical and practical study in a way that includes every field of the YMCA work compose the training.
We had the Kontraszt exhibition, in 9 different places, reaching 8000 people. The Konraszt is a multimedia exhibition which looks at problems and crisis situations young people face within in families and their communities. The message of the exhibition is to raise the profile of most common problems young people face by showing the solutions for these. The exhibition shows extremes negative life experiences and of family problems, yet calls young people to make choices as it reveals the truth about those crisis situations and social issues. It presents the young people with positive examples and choices using Biblical view of issues affecting their daily lives. The Kontraszt exhibition is laid out in a series of themes presented in 8 separate rooms each depicting a theme with the help of a short video along with posters and banners with statistics, positive messages and challenges to think and ponder about. The themes are as follows:
1. Violence in family
2. Idols and heroes
3. Marriages and divorces
4. Abortion/building a family
5. Substance dependency/freedom
6. Our values (national and cultural identity, satisfaction)
7. Suicide
8. Salvation
During summer we had our two guitar learning camps and English camps, each with 50 participants.
On the 5th of December we had our XV. Waiting for the Lord Advent Worship Music Festival which took place in Cluj Napoca/ Kolozsvár with 1000 participants. On the stage of the Student Culture House four bands, Sófár, Kobak, KEL Zenecsoport and Amaro Del was worshiping the Lord. Besides the concerts there was a cafe, a Christmas market and other alternative programs.
Plans and prospects:
In 2016 we are celebrating 95 years of YMCA in Trasnylvania. In February we are going to have an opening celebration of the 95th year in Cluj- Napoca. In the spring we are having our leadership trainings for the 15 counties chairmanships in 4 weekends, closing with a common camp by the end of August. The “Kontrasz- Contrast” exhibition is going to continue to take it, to as many places possible in the country. Our main event or 2016, is our 3rd Change Direction IKE (YMCA) youth festival which will happen in Sovata, from the 9th to the 13th of August, and we are looking forward for 1 or 2000 participants. For the summer we are going to have our guitar learning camps and English camps. For the closing of the year we are preparing the XVI. Waiting for the Lord Advent Worship Music Festival.
On the other hand we would like to work on our webpage and renew our materials, plus strengthen this new structure we have in YMCA Transylvania.